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  • Kirsebær yogh

    Cherry yoghurt

    Greek yoghurt with cherry compote, topped with a crunchy layer of crüsli and raisins

  • Chiapudding mango

    Chiapudding with mango

    A layer of mangopuré, then topped with our homemade chiapudding made of chiaseeds and vanilla flavored soy milk, topped with fresh blueberries, dried cranberries, pumpkin seeds and coconut flakes.

  • Chiapudding med banan ogbær

    Chiapudding with berries

    Our homemade chiapudding made of chiaseeds and vanilla flavored soy milk, mixed with some slices of banana. Then topped with fresh raspberries, blueberries and coconut flakes.


We do not guarantee any of our products are free of a particular allergen due to shared equipment, utensils and open product handling in our stores.